Little Millie was completely awake and ready to party for our newborn photoshoot. At 14 days old newborns are often much more awake that the first week but the photo’s captured are just as beautiful.

Little Millie was completely awake and ready to party for our newborn photoshoot. At 14 days old newborns are often much more awake that the first week but the photo’s captured are just as beautiful.
Is this not the cutest little gal you have ever seen. Little Lily was just 5 days old when I photographed her as a tiny newborn. She slept for the whole hour, what a little dream.
Noella was the sweetest little gal, just 5 days old and the perfect model, making my job as a newborn photographer so easy! I mean just look at that little face!
When is the perfect time for a newborn photoshoot you ask? For these free sleepy newborn images I recommend 2-12 days, while they’re still sleepy and so easy to put to sleep and move around. But if you’ve missed the boat or you aren’t feeling up to them just yet there is no real perfect time, when they’re older it sometimes just takes a little longer to get them to sleep or to move them around but its still so worth capturing, as everyone always says they grow soooo fast and this is the perfect way to freeze this ever fleeting moment in your families life!
The next question I get asked a lot is do we need to prepare anything? Nope not really! I bring the blankets, cover, wraps, baskets. A little bow is sometimes a super cute addition if you have one and if you guys dress in neutrals we really cant go wrong.
Do you come to us? Absolutely, I will use a corner in your house where the lighting is lovely, usually your bedroom or living area but sometimes even your bathroom.
How long do newborn sessions go for? It totally ranges on how bub is going. If we can get your little one asleep quickly then usually an hour but if theyre needing some extra tlc then sometimes even two hours. Feeding and changing your bub before I get there helps this but there is no way to control how your little one will do that day so we just role with it.
Very soon I will be launching our very own in-home studio, I’m busting to create a beautiful homely space you can bring your newborns too but until then I photograph in my beautiful clients homes across Perth using whatever corners with natural light we can find. Theres a few things you can do to help your newborn photography session run smoothly.
Feed right before your session and feed, change or comfort whenever you need to during the session. Trust me, if your Bub is hungry you’ll hear about it, and settling a very upset baby is a lot harder than taking 10 mins to feed and then getting right back into shooting. This is why I allow an hour and a half, sometimes more for these sessions.
Make sure you have a warm room. Babies start to fuss when they get cold so make sure you’ve got that heater set to a nice temperature.
Ill give you plenty of gentle direction so dont worry about that part, just come and bring yourself and your good vibes. If im not saying anything its because youre nailing it, we want natural and organic images but the process of getting there requires some gentle direction so we get the pretties images with the best angles and light. Have fun and enjoy this time with your newborn. This is such a beautiful moment, your little Bub will never be this little or be in this stage again so try not to stress if they fuss or cry, thats okay. All we need is little moments to capture. If you are authentic and having fun we will get images that reflect that.
Wear neutrals. This is not a hard and fast rule but theres nothing worse than looking fab and then realising the outfit you chose clashes with your partners. Choose neutral colours and outfits that don’t have any crazy patterns and you cant go wrong.
It was such a pleasure to photograph this sweet newborn baby girl at just a week old. Everlee came two weeks early without a glitch. Kirsty shared “Motherhood so far is truely wonderful. You cannot prepare yourself for the amount of love you feel for this beautiful little human that you somehow grew in your belly and birthed into the world. You are now responsible for another life, and somehow you already couldn’t imagine life without them in it.”